Kappa Kamp was conceived in 1995 as a summer enrichment camp providing students, ages 12-16, with the opportunity to acquire productive life-skills through intensive workshops and learning through structured recreational activities and field trips.
Students may choose from a number of enrichment camps and classes, as well as attend a variety of cultural and recreational activities, field trips, and educational lectures. Work, fun, and more, all take place within a safe, professionally designed and supervised setting.
Paul Quinn College in Dallas is the home of Kappa Kamp.
Since 2013, Kappa Kamp has exceeded its enrollment goal and welcomed 120+ Kampers every year.
The primary objectives of the camp are to:
• Motivate students to seek higher levels of achievement via college education
• Expose students to a college campus environment
• Enhance students' reading, writing, speaking and essential life skills
• Provide classes focused on S.T.E.M. disciplines
• .Provide a faith-based atmosphere for moral and ethical development
• Teach entrepreneurial and business management via business plan competition
• Allow campers to make friends from around the world in a structured safe environment